Reinvent the dictionary (1): the journey from learning six Slavic languages to launching a startup from ground zero

Eric Xu
22 min readNov 9, 2023


Part 1: From Dream Space to Big Space

We are what we dream about. Our dreams are said to be a mirror of our subconscious. Even as we navigate our own distinct life paths, our dreams can reveal striking parallels, uniting us in a common dreamscape. For instance, it’s not uncommon for many of us to experience dreams that unfold in vast and endless settings, such as open fields or boundless horizons, which may symbolize the breadth of our aspirations or the depth of our subconscious.

These dreams have cast a profound influence upon us, etching their impressions deeply within our collective consciousness. Historically, it is commonplace for individuals to experience a shifting intrigue with the vast expanse of Earth’s largest nation, their interest ebbing and flowing through the different chapters of their lives, mirroring the natural progression of human curiosity and the evolution of personal growth. When one’s gaze falls upon the grand tapestry of the world map, it becomes evident that the swathes of land where Russian is whispered on the wind stretch far and wide, a testament to the historical breadth of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union after it. From the frigid embrace of Siberia’s endless winter to the rugged cliffs of the Kamchatka Peninsula, from the bustling streets of Moscow to the tranquil shores of the Baltic, the Russian language weaves a rich narrative through a vast expanse of Eurasia’s heartland.

Russia’s double-headed eagle nested across a greater expanse than that of any other state, before or since. The realm came to encompass not just the palaces of St. Petersburg and the golden domes of Moscow, but Polish and Yiddish-speaking Wilno and Warsaw, the German-founded Baltic ports of Riga and Reval, the Persian and Turkic-language oases of Bukhara and Samarkand (site of Tamerlane’s tomb), and the Ainu people of Sakhalin Island near the Pacific Ocean. “Russia” encompassed the cataracts and Cossack settlements of wildly fertile Ukraine and the swamps and trappers of Siberia. It acquired borders on the Arctic and Danube, the Mongolian plateau, and Germany. The Caucasus barrier, too, was breached and folded in, bringing Russia onto the Black and Caspian seas, and giving it borders with Iran and the Ottoman empire. Imperial Russia came to resemble a religious kaleidoscope with a plenitude of Orthodox churches, mosques, synagogues, Old Believer prayer houses, Catholic cathedrals, Armenian Apostolic churches, Buddhist temples, and shaman totems. The empire’s vast territory served as a merchant’s paradise, epitomized by the slave markets on the steppes and, later, the crossroad fairs in the Volga valley. Whereas the Ottoman empire stretched over parts of three continents (Europe, Asia, and Africa), some observers in the early twentieth century imagined that the two-continent Russian imperium was neither Europe nor Asia but a third entity unto itself: Eurasia. Be that as it may, what the Venetian ambassador to the Sublime Porte (Agosto Nani) had once said of the Ottoman realm — “more a world than a state” — applied no less to Russia.

The Cyrillic script, with its elegant curves and sharp lines, is a testament to the rich linguistic heritage that spans the vast canvas of Eurasia. It’s not merely a method of writing but a bridge across cultures and histories. In the verdant valleys of the Balkans and the rugged terrains of the Siberian plains, in the bustling markets of Central Asia and the serene villages of the Ural Mountains, the script tells a thousand tales. This alphabet, born from Byzantine and Greek roots, has been embraced by a mosaic of languages. Its characters whisper the ancient secrets of the Slavic souls, resonate with the robust chants of Turkic tribes, and carry the nomadic songs of the Mongolic peoples. They resonate through the dense forests inhabited by Uralic speakers and echo off the Caucasus’ snow-capped peaks. In the intricate weave of modern Slavic languages, the script and the Latin alphabet intertwine. The Western Slavic languages — the melodic Polish, the expressive Czech, and the harmonious Slovak — all don their narratives in the similar garb of the Latin script. Yes, as one moves eastward, the Cyrillic script takes center stage, capturing the essence of Russian, Belarussian, and Ukrainian tongues in its distinct characters. Travelling further south, the linguistic landscape diversifies. The Latin alphabet is the chosen vessel for the clear articulations of Slovene, the rhythmic dialogues of Croatian, and the melodic prose of Bosnian. In contrast, the Cyrillic script continues to cradle the literary traditions of Bulgarian and Macedonian and stands proudly on the Serbian horizon, a symbol of identity and continuity amidst changing tides of time.

Embarking on the journey of learning Slavic and East European languages is to unlock a treasure trove to cultural wealth and intellectual challenge. There exists a digital haven, a website solely dedicated to illuminating the myriad reasons why these languages are not just a means of communication, but gateways to understanding a rich historical legacy. Grasping the mechanics of a writing system like Cyrillic is akin to acquiring a master key. With it, one does not simply learn to decode words and phrases but gains the capacity to immerse oneself in a multitude of languages that share this script. It’s an intellectual domino effect; learn one, and you find the doors to several others swing open less effortlessly. The knowledge of how these alphabets weave together words paves the way for a polyglot’s adventure across nations and through time.

Map of Slavic Languages in Europe

Part 2: An Entire Story Instead of Knowledge

The quest to fluently speak six Slavic languages is a rare and noble endeavor, an uncharted voyage that beckons the brave. It is a feat that ought to have been pursued earlier, yet it awaits its first chroniclers to inscribe its tales of triumph.

Until recently, my knowledge of Richard Burton was confined to his role as the translator of the Arabian Nights and his audacious feat as the first white man to infiltrate the heart of Mecca. Little did I know that this guy was the embodiment of an all-around badass. I mean, really, the man was a one-man show of awesomeness. He was like an overachieving superhero who dabbled in everything — soldiering, swordsmanship, exploration, linguistics, ethnology — you name, he aced it. This guy wasn’t just a jack-of-call traders; he was a master of all. In his lifetime, Burton displayed a mind-boggling linguistic prowess, casually conversing in a whopping 29 languages. To put that into perspective, most of us struggle to order a coffee in another language while vacation. But not Burton. He could navigate conversations, argue philosophy, and discuss poetry in nearly thirty different tongues. While most of us were still trying to decide whether to learn French or Spanish, he was already composing love letters in Swahili. And if that linguistic achievement isn’t enough to blow your mind, hold noto your hats because here comes the real shocker: Burton wrote a staggering 43 books during his lifetime. I mean, I can barely manage a coherent 140-character tweet without consulting a thesaurus, and here’s a guy who’s churning out books like they’re grocery lists. He wasn’t just a linguist; he was a literary dynamo. Now, let’s talk about his globe-trotting escapades. Richard Burton wasn’t just a casual traveler. He was a man who hopped around the world like it was his personal playground. And here’s the kicker: he did much of this while being half-blind, paralyzed, or nursing tropical diseases that would make even Indiana Jones question his life choices. I mean, who needs perfect health to conquer the world when you have the spirit of an adventurer coursing through your veins? But perhaps the most mind-boggling aspect of Burton’s life was his time management skills. The man was a multitasking maestro. While most of us struggle to respond to emails and drink a cup of coffee simultaneously, Burton was running from cannibals in uncharted jungles, working at lightning speed, sprinting like Usain Bolt, and jugging more tasks than an octopus with too many arms. It’s a wonder how he managed to fit all these incredible feats into a mere 24 hours. We’re over here just trying to get through the daily grind, and Burton was out there redefining what it means to be productive. You see, in the enchanting realm of fascination, stories of a polyglot always wield a captivating allure, transcending the mere acquisition of linguistic knowledge itself.

The voyage of mastering languages is an epic journey that unfurls from the moment we first draw breath, a journey that spans the vast continuum of our existence. As adolescents, our minds, agile and absorbent, entwine with new dialects with an ease that astonishes, a testament to the transformative power of the education bestowed upon us. Countless learners rise to the challenge, their successes a shared victory, a chorus of achievement amplified by the support of parents, teachers, and the broader community. Language is not merely a subject to be studied; it is a living, breathing art form that takes shape and evolves with every conversation, every connection. In the nurturing cradle of the home, the foundation is laid; as we venture forth into the wider world, that foundation is built upon, expanded by every interaction, every new face, and every novel experience. The halls of academia, with their structured lessons and curricular boundaries, offer but a glimpse into the vast world of linguistic possibility. Here, within these educational sanctuaries, students hone their skills, sharpening their linguistic tools to carve out personal narratives, bridge social divides, and scale academic peaks. Yet, the institutional learning of language is fleeting, a mere prelude to the grander symphony of life’s linguistic journey. While traditional school settings may limit us to a solitary foreign language, life does not. The initial passive absorption of linguistic education is merely the first step. As we mature, the quiet ember of language lying dormant within us is fanned into a roaring flame by our individual experiences and the undeniable demands of our lived realities. A hunger for languages not offered in the standard curriculum awakens, fueled by a desire to explore, to connect, to belong. Our quest to master other tongues becomes a personal crusade, a journey we undertake with zeal, driven by a yearning to weave our voice into the rich tapestry of global dialogue.

Learning a foreign language is also an exhilarating but often underestimated journey. We embark on this quest with a sense of adventure, spurred by the desire to conquer new linguistic frontiers. However, what we may not fully appreciate is the Herculean effort that lies ahead, for this expedition is more arduous than it first appears. In our early days, many of us experienced language learning within the structured confines of a classroom. We may have excelled in foreign language classes, conquering the challenges of textbooks and grammar rules, and this success can lead to the erroneous belief that we can master any language independently. Yet, the reality is quite different. Unbeknownst to many, the path to fluency is often longer and more challenging when undertaken as a solitary endeavor. Schools, with their mature languaging learning systems, provide a structured framework, experienced instructors, and a supportive environment. In contrast, when venturing into the realm of independent language learning, individuals must chart their own course, create their study plans, and maintain unwavering self-discipline. This solo journey can be demanding and, at times, lonely, but the rewards are immeasurable. The vast expanse of the internet offers a plethora of resources for novice language learners. However, our approach to these resources is often superficial. We tend to gravitate toward materials that offer quick solutions, catering to our immediate psychological needs, rather than focusing on content that is most beneficial for our long-term goals. It’s akin to seeking shortcuts in a marathon when what we truly need is endurance. What’s truly captivating about this journey is the enigmatic success stories of those who have ventured into the unknown and triumphed over foreign languages. Their tales are like epic sagas, shrouded in a veil of mystery and adventure. But at the heart of their narratives is a central riddle: What exactly happened to them before they conquered the language and achieved proficiency? As we observe these linguistic heroes, we are witness to their victorious peaks, their eloquent conversations, and their impressive command over foreign tongues. What we don’t see are the valleys of toil they navigated, the struggles with pronunciation, the moments of self-doubt, and the relentless dedication that carried them through ever trial. These language learners are modern-day explorers, their battles fought not with swords but with sentences, and their conquests etched in the annals of their experiences. Language learning is not a mere acquisition of words; it is an immersion into the heart of a culture, an exploration of communication nuances, and a discovery of new facets of oneself. It is a thrilling journey of self-discovery, a test of cognitive abilities, and an exercise in adaptability. Every word learned, every sentence crafted, and every conversation held is a step further into the heart of a foreign land, forging connections with people from diverse backgrounds and bridging the gap between cultures.

In the intriguing world of language acquisition, self-doubt often emerges as an uninvited guest, much like a persistent door-to-door salesman you can’t seem to shake off. This doubt, akin to a pesky fly at a picnic, keeps buzzing around, whispering, “Can you really do this?” However, this nagging companion isn’t just a nuisance; it’s the spark that ignite our curiosity, leading us on a quest to uncover the secrets of those who’ve trod the linguistic path before us. The linguistic self-doubt is akin to standing on the edge of a vast, uncharted linguistic terrain. The road ahead appears winding and laden with obstacles, much like a rollercoaster of grammatical rules and pronunciation hurdles. Yet, it’s this very uncertainty that drives us to seek guidance from our linguistic forebears. As we stand at this linguistic crossroads, the burning question with us is, “How did they do it?” Those individuals who seamlessly switch between languages or converse fluently with people from diverse linguistic backgrounds captivate our imagination. We look to them as linguistic maestros, our guides through the maze of language acquisition. This desire to learn from their experiences, to emulate their methods, and to uncover those elusive points of resonance that will lead us to our own linguistic mastery becomes the fire that fuels our journey. But here’s the twist in our tale. As much as we aspire to be disciples of these linguistic virtuosos, the trail they’ve left behind often resembles footprints on the shifting sands of a linguistic desert. We scour books, documentaries, interviews, and any morsels of information that might shed light on their linguistic journeys. However, it’s akin to hunting for a treasure chest buried deep beneath the linguistic ocean. Our linguistic predecessors have achieved feats that make us gasp in awe. They’ve walked linguistic tightropes, juggled dialects and idioms, and danced with the words in a grand linguistic ballroom. The very thought of them leaves us both inspired and humbled. Yet, our quest for their secrets often feels like a scavenger hunt with a map that’s been folded, creased, and partially erased. We long for whispered anecdotes of how they faced the dragons of pronunciation and tamed the elusive grammar beasts. We yearn for stories of late-night linguistic epiphanies, the triumphant ascent of fluency’s Everest, and the camaraderie found in linguistic communities. These narratives are like legends passed down through the ages, and we yearn to add our own chapters to the annals of linguistic history. And so, in our relentless pursuit to decipher the secrets of our linguistic forebears, we may not always uncover the precise roadmap we seek. However, within this pursuit, we unearth something equally valuable: the realization that we, too, are weaving a narrative of language learning, a story filled with surprises, challenges, and the thrill of discovery. Our linguistic journey is like an intricate novel, with every page brimming with the unexpected. It’s a story yet to be fully told, with each day offering a fresh chapter.

In the grand mosaic of human pursuits, akin to the adventures of sports and the wanderlust of travel, language learning emerges as a global and enduring voyage that threads through the intricate tapestry of individual lives. It is a journey that transcends borders, encompasses cultures, and consumes substantial portions of our lifetimes. Like a dedicated athlete investing years to master their chosen sport or an intrepid traveler exploring the world’s corners, language learners dedicate their time and effort to the captivating art of communication, breaking down linguistic barriers and forming connections with people from every corner of the world. Each individual’s path in language learning unfolds uniquely, a trajectory shaped by their personal experiences, challenges, and victories. These individual odysseys contribute to a rich tapestry of linguistic exploration. If we can capture and preserve these unique journeys, they can serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for the current generation and those yet to come, much like treasured maps that guide adventurers to uncharted treasures. In this age of boundless internet access and information sharing, it is crucial to creatively organize the burgeoning wealth of language learning experiences from individuals across the globe. Just as we rely on comprehensive travel guides, such as the renowned “Lonely Planet”, to navigate unknown lands and cultures, we can similarly benefit from a global repository of unique language learning journeys. These personal accounts, thoughtfully chronicled and shared, represent a treasure trove of insights, strategies, and the wisdom cultivated through the trials and triumphs of language acquisition. Visualize a world where language learners have access to a vast database of language learning trajectories. This digital compendium, a true “Babel Guide”, simplifies the road to fluency and connects learners on a global scale. With the collective knowledge of thousands, if not millions, of language enthusiasts at their disposal, individuals can traverse their language learning journey with newfound clarity. The experiences of others shine as guiding stars, illuminating their path to linguistic mastery. Take the example of Adam, an ambitious language learner, fervently aspiring to master English in pursuit of the dream to enroll in Carnegie Mellon University’s artificial intelligence program. Adam diligently documents his language learning journey, generously sharing insights, resources and strategies on a platform. In this digital agora of language learners, Adam emerges as an inspiration for those who harbor the same ambition. Language enthusiasts with analogous goals may connect with Adam, guided by a common trajectory, and embark on their journey together. The collective wisdom and shared experiences of these fellow travelers empower each other to navigate the language learning landscape with a clear destination in mind. In this envisaged world, language learners are no longer isolated explorers on a solitary quest. They are integral members of a vibrant, interconnected community — a community founded on shared dreams, common aspirations, and the wealth of experiences that each participant brings to the table. This collaborative effort fosters a profound sense of purpose and structure in language learning, where each step is progress toward a collective goal. Furthermore, the power of collective wisdom extends beyond individual transformation; it enriches society as a whole. As more language learners contribute their narratives, the global compendium becomes a treasure trove of cultural exchange. The shared experiences and intimate glimpse into diverse languages and cultures foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. It is through these narratives that stereotypes are shattered, misconceptions rectified, and a rich tapestry of human diversity celebrated.

The learning process will be enhanced by a comprehensive record of the process, which in turn will lead to a rewarding result.

There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen. — Vladimir Lenin

Part 3: Reinvent the dictionary

Vocabulary is the very essence of language, the cornerstone upon which our linguistic abilities are constructed. It’s the vibrant palette from which we paint the mural of our thoughts and ideas, the key to unlocking the intricacies of communication. In the grand tapestry of languages, vocabulary forms the warp and weft, weaving the fabric of understanding, connection, and personal growth. Picture language as a sprawling garden, and vocabulary as the blossoming flowers that adorn it. These words aren’t mere tools; they’re the very colors that infuse life into our conversations and narratives. They enable us to articulate our deepest emotions, share knowledge, and bridge the gap between minds. Our vocabulary is not just an accumulation of words; it’s a treasure trove of experiences, a bridge to cultures, and a compass for exploration. With an expansive vocabulary, we can delve into the treasures of literature, navigate the complexities of philosophy, and traverse the landscapes of diverse traditions. But perhaps most importantly, vocabulary is the glue that binds personal relationships. It’s the alchemy that transforms ordinary words into heartfelt expressions, the bridge that connects hearts and minds, and the magical wand that transforms interactions into profound connections. Even in the absence of grammar mastery, a humble vocabulary allows us to communicate, albeit in a primitive manner, much like the first explorers of language.

As British linguists David A. Wilkins eloquently put it, “without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”

The richness of vocabulary in a target language is akin to a key that unlocks the door to mastery. It is not a mere assortment of words; it’s the gateway to the four pillars of language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. As the eminent linguist Paul Nation (2015) astutely pointed out in his paper on vocabulary learning, “Vocabulary is not an end in itself. A rich vocabulary makes the skills of learning, speaking, reading and writing easier to perform.” Imagine language as a vast, intricate puzzle, with each word serving as a unique piece. The more pieces you have, the clearer the picture becomes. When you possess an extensive vocabulary, you are armed with the tools to decipher the nuances of a language, to explore its intricate grammar, and to communicate with finesse. In the realm of reading, a wide vocabulary empowers you to delve into texts of varying complexity. You can savor literary masterpieces, dissect academic papers, and devour news articles with ease. With each word at your disposal, you grasp the meaning, contect, and subtext of the written word, immersing yourself in a world of knowledge. Writing becomes a symphony of expression with a rich vocabulary. You can paint vivid mental images, craft compelling narratives, and articulate complex ideas. The words flow effortlessly, and your messages resonate with clarity, captivating your readers with the power of your prose. Listening is the gateway to understanding, and vocabulary is the key. When you possess an extensive lexicon, you can comprehend conversations, interviews, and lectures with ease. You pick up on subtle cues, nuances in pronunciation, and idiomatic expressions. Your ears become attuned to the melody of the language. Speaking, the most dynamic of language skills, is where a rich vocabulary truly shines. You can engage in eloquent dialogues, debate with finesse, and weave stories that enrapture your audience. Your words become a bridge to connect with others, to share your thoughts, and to convey your emotions with precision. In essence, a broad vocabulary is not just a collection of words; it’s the cornerstone of language proficiency. It opens doors to the realms of learning, enables you to converse with diverse audiences, and grants you the power to communicate effectively. With each word you acquire, you enhance your ability to read, write, listen, and speak with confidence and precision. It’s the scaffold on which the edifice of language stands, and the catalyst for your journey towards linguistic excellence.

Learning a new language is like setting off on a grand adventure, and vocabulary memorization is our trusty map. To make this linguistic journey a bit less daunting, we’ve been trying out a bag of tricks to help us remember words faster and more securely. One of our favorite tricks involves becoming word artists. We paint vivid mental pictures of new words, using our imagination as a palette. So when we come across a word like “serendipity”, we conjure up images of chance meetings in bustling cafes, and suddenly, the word becomes as unforgettable as a cherished memory. We’ve also decided to get up close and personal with our vocabulary. We bring these words into our lives, like new friends joining a social gathering. We chat with them in sentences, invite them to our daily conversations, and even send them text messages. It turns out, words love a good party, and the more they mingle with us, the less likely they are to slip our minds. Ah, the internet, a treasure trove of wisdom and quirky advice. When it comes to language learning, you can stumble upon a parade of memory hacks promising to turn you into a vocabulary virtuoso. These hacks are like the eager tour guides of the language world, promising to show you the shortcuts to mastery. However, the catch is that many of these hacks are like fast food for the brain — they might satisfy your craving for quick results, but the nutritional value isn’t quiet there. They tend to be one-size-fits-all solutions, and language learning, my friend, is not a one-size-fits-all kind of gig. Furthermore, some of these hacks can be a tad superficial, like trying to build a skyscraper with popsicle sticks. They provide snappy, immediate solutions, but they lack the substance and depth needed for long-term success. Language learning is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. And for a marathon, you need more than a pair of flashy sneakers; you need dedication, strategy, and a deep understanding of the linguistic terrain. Now, let’s talk about the age-old showdown between looking up words and committing them to memory. It’s a classic battle of speed versus endurance. Only looking up words without thinking is like a superhero’s quick-chance booth. Need the meaning of a word in a flash? Bam! You reach for your trusty dictionary or language app, and voila, you have the answer. It’s like a magic trick, providing instant clarity when you’re in a linguistic jam. But, and here’s the kicker, it’s a bit like eating food. It’s convenient, it fills you up for the moment, but it won’t sustain you for the long haul. The definitions might stick for a moment, but they tend to vanish faster than ice cream on a hot day. On the flip side, memorizing words takes a bit more time and effort. It’s like investing in a fine bottle of wine and waiting for it to mature. You repeat, you practice, you engage actively with the words, and slowly but surely, they become part of your linguistic arsenal. Sure, it’s a tad slower, but it’s like planting seeds in a garden. You water them, nurture them, and over time, they grow into beautiful, blooming flowers. Memorized words become your companions for the long journey, and they’ll never leave you hanging mid-conversation. It’s the slow and steady route to language proficiency, and it’s worth every minute invested.

In the quest to immortalize one’s linguistic expedition, my initial inclination leaned towards the conventional avenues of diary-keeping or the expressive canvas of a blog. However, as I delved deeper, the stark realization emerged: the routine documentation of completed daily lessons or the enchantment with logging newfound knowledge every day rendered the recorded content akin to learning materials. In fact, it seemed inferior to the meticulously crafted resources curated by esteemed academic institutions. This pivotal realization steered my contemplation towards a more profound exploration. Acknowledging that my desire was not a mere repository of facts but an authentic trajectory, I embarked on redefining the contours of a platform. It had to cater not only to the desire for straightforward documentation but also resonate with the perpetual craving of the sharer for frequent visits, continuous recording, and real-time status updates. This understanding catalyzed a paradigm shift in my approach. Beyond the mere accumulation of data, I sought a platform that would weave the nuanced threads of my language learning journey into a vibrant tapestry — a living chronicle that resonated with authenticity, evolution, and the vibrancy of linguistic exploration. Venturing further into this exploration, I couldn’t evade the gravitational pull of an omnipresent aspect in every language learner’s odyssey-the expansion of vocabulary. (As mentioned above) Irrespective of our geographic origin, the educational resources at our disposal, the influencer guiding our language endeavors, or the format of the content we consume, there’s a ubiquitous solution to the challenge of encountering unfamiliar words — dictionary lookup. Dictionaries, in their digital or physical manifestations, become indispensable companions in our linguistic sojourn. They are not mere tools for translation; they are gatekeepers to the realms of nuance, context, and cultural connotations. The venerable Oxford English Dictionary, standing as a paragon of lexical richness, exemplifies this role, providing not just definitions but a nuanced understanding of the historical and cultural context in which words evolve. Consider a scenario where language learners worldwide converge on the timeless solution of consulting a dictionary when faced with unfamiliar words. It’s a universal ritual, a linguistic pilgrimage that transcends borders, languages, and educational backgrounds. The dictionary transforms into a companion, offering not just lexical meanings but a journey into the cultural landscapes that shape language. This universal reliance on dictionaries underscores the importance of this tool in the language learning arsenal. It’s not just a reference; it’s a companion, a mentor guiding learners through the labyrinth of linguistic intricacies. The choice of a dictionary becomes a personal preference, shaped by individual learning styles, linguistic goals, and the cultural contexts learners wish to explore. In the digital era, the dictionary evolves beyond a mere bookshelf resident. It transforms into a dynamic entity, adapting to the evolving needs of learners. Digital dictionaries offer pronunciation guides, example sentences, and even cultural insights, enriching the language learning experience. Imagine a platform where my journey, intricately intertwined with vocabulary expansion, converges with countless others globally. This platform transcends the limitations of conventional vocabulary-building methods, offering a dynamic and interconnected space where language enthusiasts share not only words but the stories and contexts that breathe life into them.

The first edition of the OED, titled A New English Dictionary of Historical Principles, took 70 years to complete. In 1857, the Philological Society of London embarked on a quest to develop “a complete re-examination of the language from Anglo-Saxon times onward”. It was originally planned as a four volume set that would take approximately 10 years to complete. The complexities and evolution of the English language, however, caused the editors to spend more time than anticipated on this project. The first part, or “fascicle”, was published in 1884. The last volume was published in 1928 and the now ten volume set included over 400,000 words and phrases. Because of the large amount of time it took to complete the project, volumes may have different copyright dates.

Through the dictionary was “completed”, language is continually evolving. Because of this, the editors recognized that to keep the dictionary relevant, it needed to be updated. A supplement was published in 1933 and the set was reprinted as twelve volumes. It was during this time that the title formally changed to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Work on a more substantial supplement began in 1957. This new Supplement was published in four volumes between 1972 and 1986. It included “much new information on the language (especially on twentieth century vocabulary)”. It also added more scientific and technical terms as well as broadened its scope “to include considerably more words from North America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South Asia, and the Caribbean”.

In 1982, plans were made to integrate the supplements into the main text as well as transform it into “a machine-readable resource” to usher it into the electronic age. This five year, $13.5 million project employed 120 keyboards who typed each definition and 50 proofreaders who checked the work. Lexicographers not only “reviewed, corrected, and edited this new electronic dictionary”, they also added 5,000 new words. This Second Edition was published in 1989 and encompasses 20 volumes. In 1992, the OED was published in 1989 and encompasses 20 volumes. In 1992, the OED was published in CD-ROM format. Not only was this a space-saving measure, it also “revolutionized the way people use the Dictionary to search and retrieve information” and would lead the way to the current electronic version of the OED.

(to be continued)



Eric Xu

The road to speak 6 slavic languages is less traveled. Begin, be bold, and venture anything. (Email: